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What do you mean by Attention?

What do you mean by Attention? What are the types of Attention in Neural Networks?

Expected Answer:
Define attention as a representation of a distribution learnt by a Neural Network, use case and an example. You could also specify types of attention and give applications of each.

Neural attention mechanism equips a neural network with the ability to focus on a subset of its inputs (or features): it selects specific inputs. Let xRd be an input vector, zRk a feature vector, a[0,1]k an attention vector, gRk an attention glimpse and fϕ(x) an attention network with parameters ϕ. Typically, attention is implemented as

where  is element-wise multiplication, while  is an output of another neural network  with parameters . We can talk about soft attention, which multiplies features with a (soft) mask of values between zero and one, or hard attention, when those values are constrained to be exactly zero or one, namely . In the latter case, we can use the hard attention mask to directly index the feature vector: , which changes its dimensionality and now with .

Types of Attention:
1. Visual
2. Hard Attention
3. Soft Attention
4. Gaussian Attention

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